Lila's Top 5 Sleep Tips
Dark room: yes 100% dark. I have blinds, two sets of curtains and zero red lights blinking in my room. TIP: You can cover up any lights with black tape.
I have learned that approximately 65 degrees (60-67) is a good temperature for sleeping. This is also what research shows. It’s hard to regulate your room but worth it. TIP: Change your covers in Winter and Summer months.
No electronics 2 hours before bed- this works. I know it’s hard but trust me it makes a world of difference in REM and deep sleep.
Airplane mode for all devices including Oura ring. TIP: get to know your devices by reading about them online or in the actual APP.
Two of my favorite MAGIC sleep teas.
I MIX: Rest and Rewind which is clinically tested to help you relax with this NEW Magnesium powder, which has 3 bioavailable, science-backed types of magnesium -which won’t affect bowels like many over the counter powders.
Another Sleep Tea I use and love with Magnesium, Saffron which helps mood, and a little melatonin HERE.
Sometimes I get crazy and mix all 3: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
There are a few other sleep supplements I recommend based on the person, blood work, and symptoms in front of me- this is often a part of our work together.