Mini Case Studies: Males
*Note: these are abbreviated case studies based on testimonials and symptom surveys. Check back periodically for more details to be added on each case!
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This male client in his mid 20s was SO happy he did my MRT/LEAP program because he reported that he truly learned what foods were reactive for him and which foods were best for his body. He loved knowing exactly how he should eat for "his body" and exclaimed to me at our last session, "Everyone should do this!"
He transformed his way of eating and thinking, AND lost 25 pounds along the way!
Male Client LOST 25# and improve his cholesterol in 10 weeks on LEAP:
This client did MRT/LEAP for: longevity, to feel his absolute best, improve his health, and improve his cholesterol. Not only did he do all of these things, but he lost 25 pounds in 10 weeks and that wasn't even one of his initial goals. Of course he's very happy about this, as it puts his BMI in the normal/healthy range!
MRT/LEAP can help with weight loss because it decreases inflammation in the body. It also cleans up the way one is eating by really focusing on whole foods that are best for "your body" based on the MRT results! Along the way you will get: shopping lists, meal plans, recipes, support, and more.
CHOLESTEROL IMPROVEMENTS: this client's total cholesterol dropped almost 30 points and his LDL (bad cholesterol) dropped over 20 points. His HDL stayed high (good cholesterol) so his total/HDL ratio improved! We also lowered his homocysteine, which is an independent risk factor for heart attacks and strokes. ~ Male in his 50s
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Male client coming for chronic debilitating migraines that were almost constant for years. Was interfering with his quality and enjoyment of life! Also suffered from GI symptoms and general not feeling well because of te migraines: muscle aches and pains and also GI upset. MRT/LEAP worked again!! Finally migraine free and body is feeling better. That't the power of personalized anti-inflammatory protocol based on your MRT scientific food sensitivity results.
Also works great for auto-immune, chronic IBS/IBD, fibromyalgia, arthritis, headaches, hard to lose weight, pain undiagnosed issues and much more.
I LOVE LEAP! ~ Male, 50 years old
"Suffering my third, and deepest, auto-immune health crisis in twelve years, I approached Lila in February, 2018. I viewed diet as one of a handful of approaches that might enable my immune system to return to its role as defender of my body instead of attacker. Its hyperactivity was causing intense 24/7 pain in most of the joints from my neck to my knees.
I was attracted to Lila's data-driven methodology that centered on my personal blood test determined inflammatory reaction to 170 foods via the MRT testing process. My diet was reconstructed from the least inflammatory foods upward over a 12 week period. Sure enough, at that point I saw a dramatic reduction in joint pain. While not possible definitively to attribute the change to diet alone, I am convinced that it was a major contributor through its reduction of inflammatory input to my body.
Secondarily we did the Micronutrient test and determined vitamins and minerals my body specifically needed. Based on this second data-driven approach, I am now unexpectedly, but happily, on a daily regimen of supplements intended to address imbalances that may be affecting my health. Future blood tests will determine how effective this treatment proves to be, as Lila is great about following up and following through on necessary protocols.
In all of this five-month collaboration I have found Lila to be competent, understanding, and available. I recommend her and the LO Solutions approach to anyone." ~ Michael, male in his 70s
Lila's Notes:
MRT/LEAP for Rheumatoid Arthritis and auto-immune diseases, it works!
Client came to me to decrease inflammation, feel better and prolong a healthy, long life. He has rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with an original diagnosis for many years as Ankylosing Spondylitis. This diagnosis changed to RA halfway through our work together. Through MRT/LEAP + amazing compliance on his end, we got him feeling better than he has in years and weaned off some meds!

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Symptom Survey Before (Coming Soon!)
Symptom Survey After (Coming Soon!)
"After my first visit with Lila my gut issues began to improve. I'd had this issue for a few years and it was solved in under a week. Since that first visit, we've worked on improving my diet and hydration the result has been better and more consistent marathon training runs." ~ Chris, 50 year old male athlete
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"In the beginning you said we could cut my Symptom Survey in half and then go to single digits and I didn't believe it! I didn't realize how bad I felt. Reality was that I was in really poor health. Now after doing MRT/LEAP and radically revised way of eating (and micronutrient testing for deficiencies), I feel better than I have felt in years and I'm optimistic that I can maintain this for the rest of my life. Call Lila NOW! It's an investment but it's worth it. I was able to add back some of my favorite foods and I still feel great!" ~ Brian, 58 year old male
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This client came to me to: feel better overall, be the healthiest he could be, lower cholesterol and reduce or get off his cholesterol medication, and lose a little weight- all of which were accomplished with MRT/LEAP!
“One of my main goals in going through this process was to try to get off my cholesterol medication permanently. I have been on medication for 15+ years and have tried diets, exercise, supplements only to be able to decrease but not eliminate the dosage I take. I was told that it was likely to be a lifelong thing and that it was probably hereditary. After 3 months of eating the LEAP way, (based on my MRT food sensitivity results) my cholesterol scores were the best that anyone had ever seen. Even better than my 24-year-old daughter! My doctor gave me permission to go off medication as long as I continued with my eating habits!”
Cholesterol Stats: about a 25% drop!
Total Cholesterol down 37 points
LDL (bad cholesterol) down 33 points
HDL (good cholesterol) UP 3 points - which is amazing with such an incredible total cholesterol drop.
This client also lost a total of 11# and has easily maintained this weight loss with LEAP.
~ Anonymous, male client in 50s

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This male client did MRT/LEAP to feel better and heal his gut! He had already done a lot of work on his own and had healed himself somewhat. However, he was ready to take it up a notch and finish healing the following issues:
- DIGESTIVE ISSUES: bloating/gas
- LOW BLOOD SUGAR ISSUES: pretty major
In less than 2 weeks on LEAP, these things were GONE and he continued on with LEAP to heal his body long term! He was pleasantly surprised how well it worked but knew it would because his wife had great results years earlier working with me and doing MRT/LEAP!
Why does MRT/LEAP heal the body? Well it decreases inflammation in the body which then heals the gut (and lingering symptoms) long term! MRT is the only test which identifies which foods are causing inflammation in the body but even more importantly, which foods are BEST for "your body". Wouldn't that be amazing to take the guesswork out of a general anti-inflammatory diet?! ~ Male in his 30s
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